A formal exercise moving between stances: Zenkutsu Dachi, Sanchin Dachi, Kokotsu Dachi, Kiba Dachi. With block – Mae Gedan Barai and Strikes – Ago Uchi, Jun Tsuki.
- Right Leg moves back to Zenkutsu Dachi (Left foot is now forward).
Block – Seiken-Mae-Gedan-Barai. - Right Leg moves forward into Sanchin Dachi (Right foot is now forward).
Strike – Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Turn the left foot and turn left into Kokotsu Dachi (Left foot is now forward. You are facing left)
Strike – Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Right Leg moves forward and turn into Kiba Dachi. (you are now facing the back)
Strike – Jun-Tsuki - Left Leg moves to Sanchin Dachi (Left foot is now forward. You are still facing the back)
Strike – Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Right Leg turns into Kokotsu Dachi body turning right. (Right foot is now forward and you are facing the left)
Strike – Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Left Leg steps through into Kiba Dachi turning front. (you are now facing the front)
Strike – Jun-Tsuki - Left Leg moves back in to Zenkutsu Dachi. (Right foot is now forward and you are facing front)
Seiken-Mae-Gedan-Barai - Left Leg moves forward into Neko Ashi Dachi.
Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Perform another 5 Neko Ashi Dachi forward movements switching feet on each move finishing with right foot forward, still facing forward.
Seiken-Ago-Uchi on each Neko Ashi Dachi - Left Leg steps through into Kiba Dachi, now facing right.
Strike – Jun-Tsuki - Left Leg moves forward into Sanchin Dachi, still facing right (Left foot forward).
Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Turn right foot into Kokotsu Dachi turning back (Right foot is forward, body is facing back).
Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Left Leg steps through into Kiba Dachi turning the body to face the left.
Strike – Jun-Tsuki - Left Leg moves forward into Sanchin Dachi. (still facing the left).
Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Turn right foot into Kokotsu Dachi turning to the front (Right foot is now forward).
Seiken-Ago-Uchi - Left Leg steps through into Kiba Dachi turning towards the right.
Strike – Jun-Tsuki - Left Leg steps back turning the boby towards the front into Zenkutsu Dachi to finish.